Tuesday 12 February 2013

Intro About Adoption

             Adoption is the social, emotional, and legal process in which children who will not be raised by their birth parents become full and permanent legal members of another family while maintaining genetic and psychological connections to their birth family. Adoption has many facets and touches people in different ways—depending on their role and perspective. In this section, find information on the history of adoption in the United States, definitions and the use of language in adoption, and core issues in adoption, as well as links to related resources and information.


1. According to UNICEF, there were 25 million orphans in India where it has grown up to 55 million by the year 2010.
2. Among the total child population of 150 million nearly 47% of them are orphans.
3. India stands first in the world for the rate of children who are orphaned and affected by HIV/AIDS and is expected to double the number in the next five years.


With a passion to reach out these children, Founder Pastor of Bethel Gospel Church Rev. K. Sudhakar is carving a new destiny for these orphan children. Many of these Children are rag pickers, Street Children, Orphans, Children affected with HIV/AIDS.
Pastor Sudhakar is providing a HOME  by placing 10 Orphan Children under the loving with a Church Planter and his family. Children are given parental love & care, personal attention, spiritual growth, nutritious and good education.

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